What the fuck. I play Mark again and Tom Brady gets injured for 9 weeks on the second drive. Why do I bothet plyaing
eveyone just get fucking hurt and sucks. Then Damon Haurd Comes in and throws 5 interceptions. This is bull fucking
shit why the hell do I play these fucking games. I might as well have a drunk lesbian monkey play while mastrurbating
anf I will do just as well. I will never play Mrk ever again even if Sadat pays me I would rather play Jon Madden and
his gay sucking ass myself. I will kill everyone in this lleague if I have to. Just no more injuries and turn overs. Rohan
Davey will have to come back and be the second coming of christ.
I wish death to Aaron Brooks, Bret Fevre, Jerome Betis and anyone else you care about.
Love, Me [Ben]