It's official. I fucking suck at Madden 2005. I make Ben look like something his mother would be proud of.
I'm sick of staring at goddamn pig bowel all day at work. I just want to sit on my ass and play videogames all day like
a normal boy, but instead I'm stuck working 70 hours a week. This blows. I haven't even had time to look at people
getting hurt on the internet, and the publicity of getting my dong on BET never really materialized. Where the hell
is Ben? Topless Madden just isn't the same when I'm playing by myself. I'll be in Cincinnatti this weekend and
Charlotte next weekend, so no football for me for a while. If any of your families were killed in a freak gasoline fight
accident and have nothing to do Thanksgiving weekend, look me up. I'll be in the Bronx drinking piss warm bourbon and
polishing my gun.