This afternoon was a beautiful moment. Immediatly after our first day of lecture members of the XBOX league instinctualy
came to Etan's room sat down on the futon and began to play the holy game of Madden 2004. In pre-season play I slayed Howie
and the Bucs 38-9 in only one half of football. Sports Analysts have begun to ask is this a fluke or will these Patriots avenge
a dissapointing season and silence the big bullies of the league Tritt and Mark. I answer those critics with a resounding
prediction. My Patriots are going to the Superbowl. By week 3 I will no longer be the league clown that you mock at will.
By week 6 you will be in awe of my capabilities and by week 12 you will cry and tremble in fear before youplay me.
Prepare to be wowed boys prepare to be wowed.
First victim Michael Q. Tritt.